Sunday, May 1, 2011

Garden Challenge...Month 2...

Here we are, the 2nd month of the Homeschool Village's Garden Challenge.  Not much has changed around here, except more rain, more rain & more rain.  I am grateful for the rain. It has made everything soooo green. My flowers are loving it. They are perking up more and more & looking fuller & fuller everyday.  We did have an 80 degree day a few Sundays ago. It was WONDERFUL!!! I got to go thru the beds a bit and get them weeded & a few things trimmed.

I am just noticing that huge weed to the right of my friendship stone. That did get pulled a few hours ago. Again, this is our "Amanda Garden". This is where we'll be putting all things pink & purple in honor of my best friend.  I have been looking at different garden articles at the library (when I escape there kidless).  I've just remembered that I didn't write any of the titles of those magazines down.  I suppose a trip to the library is in the cards tomorrow!

This hydrangea is in our front flower beds. I am always so happy to see that first bud.  This was my grandmother's hydrangea. It's so beautiful & it gets bigger and bigger every year. LOVE it!

This is the front of our house. I pulled out whatever was there a few years back. I found a Redbud tree that I would like to put there (we lived in Kentucky for 2 years & one of my favorite trees down there is the Redbud's the first thing I remember seeing when we drove down there...miss KY so very much...would love to put one somewhere), but I have a feeling that it would go to be way too big for that spot. Thoughts on that? Thoughts too for anything else I could put there. I really do not like either one of the things still growing there.  That bush thing (I have fogotten at the moment what it's called) is such a pain to me.  It's thorns are as long as my arm. I just want to get rid of it. And...don't get me started on whatever that pine tree/evergreen lookin' thing is.  Ideas, please!

These bushes (there's 2 of them...just took a pic of the one) are ones that I am sooo excited about.  I am not sure what they are. My mom could tell you...(again, failing at my duties on this post). These were ones that I also discovered while living down south. A home near us had these in their front yard. They are beautiful.  The ones down south were purple. These didn't bloom last year & I can't remember if the tag told me the color or not. Either way, I am going to be surprised. Another reason, I am excited about the growth on these (and they are growing quickly...2 weeks ago they were still underground) is that we haven't been able to grow much of anything in this part of the flower bed since having a drain system put in several years ago. Have I mentioned that I am excited about these plants???

Now that it's May 1st, I am looking forward to more sunshine & not so much rain...but oh how green the rain makes God's treasures!!!
Can't wait to check out everyone's posts!
Happy Gardening!!!

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