Saturday, July 12, 2008


July has arrived! It was HOT today. Thank goodness Max's last t-ball game was at 10 am and not at noon today. About 15 minutes into his game he looked like he had been working on a farm somewhere for hours. His little face was all dirty from his sweaty hands rubbing his cheeks. He had so much at his game. I think it was because there was anywhere from 4-6 kids playing on his team at any one time so he was always doing something whether it was hitting, catching, or running from base to base standing on each one proudly. After his game he was presented with a trophy. Molly also got one from the coach. He said that she was at more of the games than some of the actual players so he gave her the extra one he had. She loves it. I think she might be ready to play next summer.
After the game we decided that might even be too hot of a day to spend at the pool, especially with little Maggie. We decided to head out to a garage sale and let the kids pick out something. Max picked out a ridiculous looking Spiderman button down shirt, but that's what he picked out with his 4 quarters. We got home and decided to turn movie night into My little Maggie and I took a nap during movie afternoon. Then we hung out on the couch after dinner. She seems so they all do when they are 3 weeks old...serious and bored out of their minds. I think she is going to have the dimple on the one cheek just like her cousin Joshua. Adorable. Right now, I think that she is going to be my very serious one. The one who is going to take a look at her brother and sister and let them know exactly how ridiculous she thinks their behavior is. We'll see what I think in about 6 months.
I am so blessed

Thursday, July 10, 2008

God's messengers...

You know how sometimes God tries to tell you something in the most subtle of ways over and over again until He has no choice but to do something so drastic you have no other choice than to recognize it. Today I was lucky enough to get the message before He had to resort to those above mentioned drastic measures.

The last couple of days have been rough. I think my hormones were out of wack, my kids could smell my fear and took full advantage, and I was tired. I think I've worried Aaron a bit and maybe even myself, but today was a hundred percent better. (Which my sister and I agree that an awesome day behavior wise is almost always followed by a terror filled one...we'll see) Anyhow, the kids and I had a good day. They got up and got dressed. Molly even brushed her teeth without a single grunt or cry. They were all ready for the day before their feet hit the bottom step. They had a nice breakfast and cleaned their dishes on the first request. They helped me go through all of the recycling. Of course, Molly put her mouth on every bottle and can before putting it in the respective bag...gross! We headed out to the recycling center, the bread store, and the grocery store.

Again, I have a story of the kindness we have found since the minute we moved down here. The gentlemen have always asked if I needed any help at the recycling center. I figured it might have been because I was 9 months and huge. Today was no different. They were all so kind to me. Plus, an elderly gentleman also waited for me and asked if I had anything else left to bring in and told me he was going to help me bring it all in. I had gotten it all in one shot, but thanked him for his kindness. Now, that I have written 3 paragraphs I completely got off track of the first paragraph and how God sends His messages.

We got to the grocery store and I opened the door and unbuckled my oldest so that he could unbuckle the middle child. As I was taking my youngest out an older gentleman, maybe 75 or so, said "oh she's a new one" that she was beautiful. He asked if I had 2 and I told him 3. He looked at my 3 kids and told me how beautiful they all were. He told me to enjoy them because they grow so fast. He continued to tell me that I looked too young to have 3 kids and when I informed him that I would be 30 in a few short weeks he said that I could still pass for a teenager.

Bless his heart. I wished him a wonderful day.

And before he went on his way he touched my shoulder and said "I can tell what a good mother you are just by looking at your kids".

Thank you Lord for sending him.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Excuse me?

Should I take offense to someone telling me that they have office hours from 5-8 p.m. once a week and Saturday mornings? And even more so because it's someone from a pediatricians office telling me that "some mom's with 3 find it easier" to come during those times? And's not like I have 12 children (bless all of those who do). They are going to love me when we come for Maggie's 2 month in August because Aaron won't be able to come no matter when we go. Seriously??? A peds office. Maybe I'll feed them pure sugar that morning. Aren't they supposed to love kids and be the ones that are ok if they are running around like crazy banchees? It's the mom that is supposed to be reassured by these nurses and docs. Oh well, maybe they really were watching out for me and telling me that so that I would feel at ease or if nothing else I wouldn't crack in the middle of their hallway. Either way, I wasn't feeling the southern hospitality that I have come to know and love here.

Or perhaps I'm just a huge b.

More later....

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What makes a great mom?

You are the only Jesus your kids will see.
I read that in one of my moms books. That's a pretty powerful statement.
How to show my kids more grace?
That's the question for the day.
The Good Lord knows how much grace I've been shown in my lifetime. Why can't I show my 2 & 3 year olds that same type of grace. Of course, I know that I am not actually Jesus and that my kids won't actually see Him. I also realize that Jesus was perfect and that I will never be. My question though is how can I preach to my children about Jesus Christ and all that He stands for when I can't get through a regular old day without yelling at my kids? Why can't I just laugh along with them instead of getting upset? Why can't I put down the dishcloth and color with them instead of yelling at Molly when she colors on the table? The hormonal, new mom, emotional side gets the best of me and says that she is coloring on the table because I am not sitting with her coloring. Ridiculous, I know.
I just want to be a better mom. I want to be the mom that is showered and ready for the day before the kids wake up or at least by the time my husband leaves for work. Why is it that some days I am the mom who can't open her blinds before lunch time because although she does have a bra on it doesn't yet have nursing pads in it? (Maybe that's part of my problem :)
I want to be the mom that has somewhat of a schedule that involves handwriting, arts & crafts, number time, etc. now that they are old enough to understand it.
And another thing....GUILT...isn't giving birth and being a mom hard enough without throwing guilt into the mix??? It seems as though as soon as I sit down to nurse Maggie, Molly and/or Max need something at the exact same time. And even though they might complain b/c they have to wait an extra 10 minutes or so to get their snack (b/c I am certainly not one of those breastfeeding moms who can vaccuum and nurse at the same time) they seem to take it a lot better than I do. Why do I feel SO guilty when I can't help them at that particular moment?

I'm pretty sure that my current relationship with God has something to do with the way that I feel. I've been to church 4 times since we moved down here. It's been over 3 months. I long for a bible study, but don't really go in search of one. I long for a church, but fear that I loved my church back in Michigan so much that I don't feel at home in any of the 4 churches I've visited.

I don't study my bible the way I did back in Michigan. Why??? Yes, I realize I just a baby, but look at how I've been blessed. There are God's blessings all around me and I haven't been honoring Him they way I should.

There needs to be a change. It's that simple.