Monday, January 19, 2009

3 day weekend...

First things first...a few reminders to self...

We went to Lexington to do a little shopping on Saturday. We headed into Children's Place b/c I wanted to find the kids winter coats for next year. Of course they didn't have any boys coats being January and 10 degrees outside I could see why they would have none left, but bathing suits out for all to purchase. I digress, Molly spotted a few dresses she liked. So we lined the 3 of them up. She stood back and looked and picked up the one on the end and said, "This one Momma. This one looks familiar." What??? Where did that come from. I didn't know my 2 year old even knew that word. She just looked so cute and serious when she said it.

Today Max and Molly were coloring at their little table while Maggie played on the floor and I was busy packing their stuff for our trip. When I am busy doing something the kids sometimes help me out by playing with Maggie if she gets fussy. This afternoon she started getting fussy and Max looked to Molly to play with her. Molly didn't budge.
"Molly, will you go play with Maggie?"
She ignored her brother.
"Molly, you better go play with her or I'm gonna lose my temperature and then I won't love you anymore."
Of course we had a nice long talk about how no matter what happens we will always love each other. I just mostly got a kick out of him saying he would lose his "temperature".

I have started a Beth Moore bible study on Esther. I LOVE Beth Moore. Last night was our second session. We talked a lot about destiny and beauty and God's plans for all of us.
A few notes from the session:
~You cannot amputate your history from your destiny. You cannot become the person God wants you to be by getting rid of your history. Your destiny is tied to it.
~Your past is what you learn's something by which we are humbled...the past may be horrible, but somewhere there are treasures.
~God is attracted to weakness....b/c there is more room for the strength of God.
~We also spoke about beauty and the pressures of today to be beautiful. She spoke about 4 types of women concerning beauty...the 1st one escapes me...sorry...the 2nd is the the kind of woman who thinks everyone thinks she is beautiful and wants it that way...that is a dangerous woman. The 3rd is one who believes no one thinks she is beautiful..that is a terrified woman. Then there is the 4th woman....who hopes certain people think she is beautiful. To hope that her mom and daughters find she is beautiful...certainly hopes her husband would find her beautiful. But what she truly wants is "the beauty of the Lord on her face".

I thought that was great. I have met a few close friends since moving here that have the love for their Jesus written all over their face. It has to be thee most beautiful thing about a person.