Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Continuing my catch-up in October...

Can it really be possible for November to be only 3 days away?!?!
I suppose spending half of the month away can make it fly by.
Here is a look back at most of October.

A visit to Blake's. Oh I miss that place...the donuts mostly.

Hanging out with cousins.

Rehearsing for a very special day.

A special cake just for Max from Dru. I will treasure this face all the days of my life!
Time spent at a blessed wedding. It was such an honor to be a part of this couple's start.
Relaxin' and having fun on the remainder of our trip.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Playing catch-up and wondering....

My many times do I vow to stay on top of this blogging and those vows vanish in a day or two.
I am left here wondering how in the world some of these amazing moms stay on top of 2, 3, 4 blogs! What am I doing wrong?!? I can't write more than a few posts, if that, a month for one blog! Geez!
Well, here is a bit of catch-up for myself.
Homeschooling is going better than I ever thought it would. There is just so much out there and sometimes I forget that my kiddos are preschooler/kindergarten age. I do have some time to feed it all to them. They began co-op and LOVE it.
The end of September was filled with preparing for our long trip to Michigan and visiting with my in-laws. It was a great weekend and a great visit. The kids LOVE it when their grandparents come to visit. We are so blessed that they are all a big part of each one of their lives.

We really do live in a beautiful part of the country. God's work in the fall is nothing short of amazing. We are hoping to get back there before all of the gorgeous fall colors we are having this year disappear.

Max celebrated his 5th birthday in September. Five. Oh my. All of a sudden he has grown up and has become this little man. Yes, he still taunts his sister, but that aside he did a little growing when I blinked.

Molly began her new gymnastics class. She loves it and can't wait to begin ballet. I think that's why she spends much of her time dancing around the room wishing she was four. (That's how old she has to be to begin ballet. That's ok with me.)
Maggie is growing, growing, growing. I am not sure where the last year has gone. How can she be so close to a year and a half. I broke down in tears not too long ago when I packed away a bunch of baby clothes. I love all the new discoveries and stages, but why can't I remember what the past held? Their baby stage. It is such a fleeing moment.