Sunday, October 5, 2008

In Christ Alone....

God is faithful...even when we are not.

It is a statement I have seen over and over everyday for the last 7 days. It was a theme in bible study last Sunday. It was in my reading for our morning Sunday school class. It was in the Karen Kingsbury book I just finished tonight. It was a theme in one of the sessions I attended at the Hearts At Home conference this weekend.

Then why am I allowing Satan to creep in. Why is it that it is so easy for the devil to squirm his way into our minds & hearts? he causes doubt & fear & sadness & worry. Why can't it be just as easy to call on God when Satan comes near? I suppose it is that easy...just get down on your knees and call out to Him.

He is Almighty, the Beloved Son, Comforter, the Door to all that is good, Eternal, Faithful, Guardian of our Souls, Immanuel, Just...All of the things I am learning in the Bible Study on Sunday night.

I know it's sinful to worry. I truly try not to worry. I try not to worry about my husband, my kids, the house that can't even attract potential buyers, the upcoming election, etc. etc. But man, that devil knows how to get to me. He places that fear & worry right on my heart. I need to remember to immediately get on my knees and ask for my God to be that Comforter & Guardian to my soul. How great is it though that I don't have to ask Him to be those things for me...He already is.

The question that won't leave my brain tonight...
If God places an opportunity in front of us, how do we know it's a good one?
If he didn't want us to come to Kentucky, He wouldn't have placed the opportunity to do so in our laps would He?
I believe that we are here for a reason. I truly believe that.
It's just not working out as we had planned.
I know it's not our plan. I know it is all His. I know that He will show us what is next in our lives. I know He didn't promise easy. He promised that He would be there to show us the way.
That's enough for me.
Who knows why He brought us here? If for nothing else I am opening my Bible everyday. I feel Him transforming my heart. I know He has a plan for me and my marriage and my journey as a mom to His children.

Those children He has for now blessed us with...they are amazing. I have new pictures to post, but of course the battery is low and charging. I'll post them later.
Max is looking a little like Shaggy these days. He likes that I call him Shaggy and doesn't want to get his haircut. The other day we were walking down the Halloween costume aisle and they were all going a little nuts over the costumes. Max was talking about the Spiderman costume, Molly about the princess ones. They were both finding cute ones for Maggie. Molly says, "Momma look at that princess one for Maggie".
Max shoots back with, "Molly, that's not a princess one, that's for Dancing with the Stars".
I thought I was going to pee my pants right there from laughing so hard.
I swear that I have cut way back on my television watching, but apparently ABC is still on a little too much :)
My Molly is my Molly. It is still up for grabs whether it's all DNA or if it's from the great amounts of sugar water she got in the hospital when she was just 3 weeks old. I can't wait to see what God has planned for her.
My Maggie...oh my Maggie. How I missed her when I was gone. She is growing so big. Holding her head up...looking like a whole new little girl. She will start cereal here in a few short weeks. She is now officially rolling over even though if you ask my mom she'll tell you that she was rolling over at 12 days old. She was. (Even if it was the bouncy couch helping her out).

Thank you Lord for blessing my life. For loving me so much, for being my Comforter & my Guardian. Forgive me for the times I forget you when the devil is working overtime in my life. Please hold our little family in your hands and clear the path so that when you want us to take the next step we will be able to hear you and yield to your plan for us.
It is in your Holy and Almighty name I pray, Amen.