Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Growing & forgetting...

Just got finished reading some old posts...ones from June of '08.
The summer of Maggie.
I'm still wiping the tears from my eyes.
The kids are growing so fast and I had forgotten almost every single story that I had posted.

Tonight while driving and listening to Kari Jobe, Max piped up from the backseat.
"Momma, can you turn it to number 11? I like it when she says 'Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty'".

The other night we all went into Target to get the sandels that were on sale. Molly found the pink sparkly ones in the sale paper that morning. Max went down the boy aisle and presented the sandels he found and told me that he would like to get those. I asked him if he would like to look at the flip flops I had picked out for him. He said sure and put them on his feet.
He looked up at me with those eyes, smile and in his goofy voice said, "Momma, these are mommy shoes...flip flops are mommy shoes! I don't want to look like a momma!" I cracked up. So did the ladies in the shoe aisle with us. I put on flip flops as soon as the weather hits 50 degrees and I don't look back until the first snow fall. Max knows this. I told him he could get the black flip flops instead of the brown/tan ones (that looked exactly like mine) if that made him look more like a little man than a mom. :)

Our miss Molly has gotten her ears pierced and hair cut. She looks like she is 9. I can barely stand it.
Today, we headed to Meijer to do some grocery shopping. She wore her new sparkly flip flops and her sunglasses. About halfway through the shopping trip an older gentleman and his wife called her a movie star and talking her up. She LOVED it. She hid a bit behind me, but smiled through the whole thing. They were very friendly people and Maggie couldn't help but smile too. After the couple started walking away, Molly tugged on my shirt and whispered, "Momma, can you go over there and tell them 'Happy Spring' for me?"
Oh, my sweet Molly. Will she really be 4 already?

Miss Maggie, Miss Maggie, Miss Maggie....she has her momma's temper. She can throw quite the temper tantrum. I think I prefer those to the whining though. She is starting to repeat, bagel, birdie, puppy, Zachary...I wish it wasn't so easy to forget this stage of their life. She is a sweet & comforting little thing. Whenever Max gets upset or hurt or Molly is upset or hurt, she drops whatever she is doing and goes over to them. She pats their back, squats and looks up at their face as if to say, "It's alright. This too shall pass."

How blessed we are.
We don't deserve any of this.
I am one blessed lady!

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