Monday, March 2, 2009


Ever since Aaron began a regular 5 day, Monday thru Friday work-week, Mondays have taken on a different feeling in our household. I find myself dreading them a bit and even more so since cabin fever has set in on me and my kiddos. It didn't get to 30 degrees today, but the sun was shining giving the kids a reason to complain and whine most of the day about wanting to go outside and play soccer. No can do. Will not do. Now I don't mind going out in cold weather...bundling them up and heading out, but it has to be at least 40 to do that. So, needless to say, it was a bit of a long day.
Skip forward several hours.
I am getting the kids dinner ready. (Hot dogs...I know Stace, no nutritional value, but it's quick and I got to go to bible study tonight.) So while I was getting just the right amount of ketchup on Max's bun he says to me,

"Mommmmmmma, when is daddy gonna be home? I've had a rough day."

Funny, I thought. I've been thinking the same thing since noon.

Oh, I really do love my job.

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