Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My 100th post...

I suppose that there should be more to my 100th post, but with preparing for homeschooling I just haven't had too much leftover time to be creative with the blog.
I just wanted to drop a few little stories here before I forgot them. I can't believe I have been so lax in blogging about our camping trip.

We finally made it back to church this past Sunday. Once we were in the car I asked the kids how their Sunday School was. Molly said it was good and then she talked about her little friend. When we got home I asked her about her bible story worksheet. She pointed at it and said,
"Jesus had 12 disciples. That's a lot of helpers!"
Love her!

Today Max and I were working on his phonics and Molly was nearby working on coloring by number. Max was going through his review pages....ran, tan, fan, Jan....He got to Jan and I said,
"That's Nana's name. Did you know that buddy?" Before he could answer Molly turns her body, puts her hands on her hips, and replies with,
"Momma, Nana calls her daddy Jim and I don't like it. She should call him Papa."
Oh when she is cute she is right on. It's when she isn't that I am concerned about my mental health!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

LOL, she is a hoot! Your mental health should be okay till she's about 12. Love ya!