Thursday, July 2, 2009

A bit of catching up....

This little girl had her 12 month check up yesterday.

She is doing great!
She is 31 inches and 19 pounds 6 ounces.
I really can't believe she is as big as she is. It seems like just yesterday and a million years ago that she was born.

The oldest two were sooooo well behaved during the appointment. I was very proud of them. I told them before we went in that momma was going to have to talk with the doctor and that while the doctor was checking over Maggie and I was talking with her that they were to just look at their books, color if they wanted, just no interrupting. proud of them.
There was only one teeny tiny interruption and he said excuse me and whispered. His request was so funny that there was no way I was getting upset.
When the doctor went to check Maggie's ears, eyes, & throat I took the opportunity to throw away some get away cheerios. I crossed the room and threw them away. Max saw his chance.
"Momma, Momma, excuse me." He whispered. After that all I heard him whisper was something about video game and mario kart. All I was thinking was, "please don't start talking about all of mario kart you've been playing this summer with all of the rain (trying to justify it) in front of the pediatrician". I gave him a sweet smile and told him I'd take care of it.
The doctor finished up her exam and said her good-byes and see you next time. She was gone.
Max looks at me with that look of confusion of "why didn't my mom do what I told her to do?" He says in absolute seriousness, "Momma, you didn't tell Maggie's doctor about how she always goes after the video game when me and daddy are playing and what she's gonna do about it". I couldn't help but get a huge smile on my face. Always so concerned about his baby sisters.
The other day Maggie kept going after his game. No matter what he did, what toy or book he brought to her all she wanted was that game. He looked at me and said, "Momma, I don't want a baby anymore". Five minutes later he was laying next to her reading. Oh my boy.
We had a nice and relaxing week. Well, almost. Tuesday we got a ticket in the mail from a city in Tennessee. I won't go into detail because I think my head almost exploded on Tuesday when this all happened. Long and short of it....on Father's Day we went the scenic route down to Tennessee. We had a great weekend. We celebrated Maggie's birthday and Father's Day....see post forward 9 days....I go and get the mail. As a SAHM one of the highlights of my day is the mail. I see an envelope with the return address "Photo Enforcement blah blah blah". I know what it is right away but know that if it is I will be furious. Well, it was and I was. Just ask my sister. I'm sure I blew her eardrum with the way that I was venting to her about all of this. We got a ticket from a camera. Then they mailed it to us 9 days later. Please. I realize that we were probably speeding. However, what if we weren't? What stops them from tweeking their computers just a tad so that they can set up their camera, no human needed, to get more money? furious. I hope that they enjoy their 50'll be the only 50 bucks that town ever sees from us. It was creepy getting a piece of mail where your license plate is zoomed in and then it lists the web address where you can actually watch it. Weird.
Honestly, I wouldn't have been upset one iota if a REAL cop had pulled us over in an ACTUAL cop car with lights and all...if in fact we were speeding. Ugh!!! See, I'm getting upset all over again. Gotta move on.
Moving was an absolute gorgeous week. It was sunny, breezy, no humidity, pleasant, no rain. We spent some much needed time outside.
My other find the last week and a half or so was school desks. As soon as we decided to homeschool, I wanted to find desks for the kids. Craigslist had them listed of course so the emails began. I finally ended up scheduling a pick up of two desks and two chairs with a woman about an hour north of here for tonight. Today the kids and I went out with their 6 quarters in hand to search out garage sales. At the first one, Molly found a nice princess game. Max didn't find a thing so we went searching for garage sale #2. They ended up each picking out a desk and saving their momma 4 bucks and an hour long car ride (although I was looking a little forward to the long car ride with just my music turned up just a tad too loud :)
Max sat proudly in his and asked if school could begin now. I told him we could do a few things of course, but that we were going to go on vacation first. He agreed that was an okay idea. So we go their new desks in the car and we headed for home. They helped me clean their desks. Then Molly leaned a little too far on hers and it toppled. I figure the earlier they do that the sooner they'll learn not to lean on their desks. :)

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I love your new desks guys!! And, Max you look just like your daddy in that picture with your legs crossed. Love you guys, see you soon!!