Friday, February 6, 2009

30 years?

I was laying in bed last night around 1:15 a.m. and couldn't help but think of all of the things that I want to do, haven't really thought of doing, but feel like I've wanted to them for years.
I can't help thinking about how much I love the product of scrapbooking, but how I never do it. I love going to 12 hour crops, but can't decide if it's the scrapping or the adult conversation I enjoy more. I REALLY want to learn how to sew and knit. Then I think will this just be one more thing that I really think I want to do only to let it fall to the basket of scrapbooking, cardmaking, etc. etc. 30 years!!! Really? Has that much time really gone by? I feel like I should have done more sewing in those 30 years...more than sewing on the occasional button.
So I have checked into taking a sewing class. I will have to travel over an hour to get there, but I would really love to make my little girls clothes and perhaps a skirt or 2 for myself.

On another note...the sun is shining today!!! It seems as if spring may make a bit of an early appearance here. The world seems so, politics, jobs, etc. But then you open your shades and your door and it's as if God is saying "I have control over everything...don't you worry".

So when I think of all of the things I have yet to accomplish in life....big or small...I usually turn on my computer and look at our babies that I have frozen in time with the photos. Thank goodness for my camera.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Cute pictures!! I love your new background! Oh, and tell Molly we found one of her baby dolls today in the basement. Love ya.